Get Your Glow Back: My Post Partum Weightloss Journey

Get Your Glow Back: My Post Partum Weightloss Journey

Before I dive in I want to give a quick warning for sensitive content…this blog post dives into mental health and weight loss which I know can be triggers for some. I am not an expert in this area at all, I am simply sharing my own journey in hopes it might help shed some light, awareness and comrodery with my fellow mamas who are also on this journey. Please keep that in mind when reading my thoughts and recommendations in this post. Thank you!

I’m a relatively young mother, just like many of you, who recently (for me it was over a year ago now) went through the beautiful but challenging experience of giving birth for the second time. Along with the joy of being a mama came the social pressures along with my own internal ones, to get back to feeling me…and that meant getting back into shape. As superficial as this may seem initially, my mental health is intertwined with how my body is feeling…when it is bloated, inflamed and exhausted, I in turn feel overall crummy. Like I’m sure most of you feel, a lot of this pressure is me putting it on myself as we are all beautiful regardless of weight. However, for me, this time around my mental health really took a hit. So I wanted to take the time to share my methods, results and takeaways in hopes others don’t have to quite hit the mental lows that I felt.

I want to first start by pointing out that I am not some person blessed with the genetics of not gaining much weight through pregnancy, or who doesn’t suffer from water retention. Quite the opposite actually, I am also classed in that percentage of unfortunate mamas that hold onto every fat store when breast feeding! So my journey the second time round when it came to my body was based on dedication and opening up my mind to a healthy pregnancy filled with workouts and less indulgence…the first time round I gained over 20kg, the bread basket became my best friend. This approach and new outlook in turn helped out post partum. Also important to note is that every woman’s body is different - including their pregnancy journey, I do understand sometimes women are not able to stay as active during this time. I do feel blessed in that department that I was able to keep up with workouts or the very least long walks in the park.

Something you often hear after giving birth: ‘you look great after having a baby’. Everyone who says this means well, BUT I don’t believe pregnancy should have an expectation that our bodies should be ‘let go’ so it’s shocking when it isn’t? Whether you’re pregnant or not, we should all be taking care of ourselves and finding ourselves comfortable in our skin pre, during or post pregnancy. For me, it was important to feel sexy in my own skin, whether I just had a baby or not. My personal health goals were not unrealistic and I gave myself the time and space to achieve them without feeling immense pressure on when I achieve those goals. There is no set timeline for losing postpartum weight, think about it, it took your body 9 months to gain the weigh so giving yourself an extended period of time to lose it is ok. This time I gave myself 9 months to reach my goal and was able to reach it through the power of consistency. We are so powerful at setting our mind to achieve anything we want, I wanted to share what worked for me below!



One of the best things we can for ourselves and our body is to stay hydrated. It sounds so simple but in turn we feel better and can aid in weight loss. If the taste of water just isn’t your favourite, I highly recommend In Bloom Drops for some natural flavouring.


This is obviously a key factor when trying to lost weight. After I finished breast feeding I started working with a Dietician that a close friend of mine recommended. My nutrition and meal plan they created was based on the Si3 Method, I was weighing my food, eating 5/6 times a day ( actually more than I have ever eaten) and not only did I start to see results, I had more energy and didn’t feel I was restricting myself! I actually ended up working with Piter for 7 months and I reached my goals while at the same time nourishing my body internally. Learn more about Piter here via Instagram.


This played a crucial role, regular workouts, mixing it up was also important, I have a handful of trainers I recommend - all unique in their approach:

@Camilla_pt - Now at Vita Pilates - An amazing functional training PT along with her qualifications in the pilates space, she knows how to help sculp and shape a woman’s body.

@Shirin_sharifian - Zoom/Skype and based in Iran - Be prepared for a fun, up beat work out at home. Equipment needed: 3kg/5kg weights, ankle weights + mat.

@ayaliving - A yogi at heart, her method has flow, not too heavy on the body but her ability to help lean and lengthen and nurture the body.

@absolutekaanage - Amazing at re-building that butt! So what I realised is the more I lost weight the more I was losing my assets… it’s about the storage of fat during breast feeding that helps build your butt but then after comes DEFLATION like other assets ha…he helped me retain and gain them back!

SELF-Care + Stress management

Finally, don’t forget to prioritise self-care and stress management… lack of sleep, stress and anxiety can make it harder to lose weight. What brings you joy and relaxation? Whatever that is, make sure you find time in the day, even if its a nice warm bath with a lit candle for 5 minutes at night. For me it’s always taking time to do my skincare routine and enjoying a matcha in the morning.


Cellulite Slayer

I mixed up the signature massage with radio-frequency on alternate weeks. This has long been my go-to could not recommend more.

Young London - EMsculpt NEO

Check out my reel on my page to see how this treatment works. You complete 4 sessions within a month with results to be seen 3 months later. I definitely saw a major improvement on my stomach area - this is the place that even with diet/exercise still remains with a layer of stubborn fat and also excess skin. This treatment helped tighten the area, that reel shows my before and afters! Next time I want to try it on my butt, ha!

In conclusion, the journey of postpartum weight loss can be difficult, but with a balanced diet, regular exercise, keeping hydrated, self care practices and most importantly patience/consistency…you can achieve your goals. It is so important to be kind to ourselves and celebrate each victory, no matter how small. Bringing a child into the world is a massive accomplishment… you deserve to shine!

I hope this provided some insight and confidence boosting that you’re not alone in these feelings and this journey. It’s truly filled with chapters of ups and downs for all of us, but with dedication it does pay off. sending so much love!

XO Steph