The Glow Getter's Guide to Ruuby

The Glow Getter's Guide to Ruuby

It’s no secret that I love any opportunity to foster my glow from the comfort of my home whether that’s a blow-dry, spray tan, massage, manicure or more. I am an avid Ruuby user because all of those treatments can come to you with just the click of one button right here in London. In this blog post, I have outlined some of my tried and true favourites below. This list will be continually edited and added to as I continue to find people and treatments that become my go-to.

Why did I even bother with an entire list dedicated to this? While Ruuby is filled with options, it can be hard to make that first appointment with so many choices to choose from. I thought it would be useful for me to give you my list of go to therapists/hairdresser. If you cannot find them on the app when your checking - it is always useful to text the Ruuby concierge on: 07860064341 or email:

Let me know what other treatments and recommendations you’d love to see!

xo steph