Machine or Manual? How To Get a Glowing Summer Body

Machine or Manual? How To Get a Glowing Summer Body

Summer has arrived… which also means that ominous bikini season is here. I am definitely feeling the pressure so I can be running around with the kids on the beach this summer, feeling like my best confident self. Read on as I share some of my tips and tricks for how to feel your glowing best in your body!

So what’s the first step in all this? For me, it’s creating an action plan over the next few months that doesn’t involve fad diets - starving myself or some reckless work out regime that I end up injuring my body or increasing levels of inflammation. It’s all consistency and balance, see below!

How does that look like for me? 

Eating Well

I break down my meals into five small balanced meals daily, rich in protein, good carbs (quinoa, couscous, brown rice etc) with some green fresh juices added in. This allows me to create balance in my routine!

Walk more

Throw the car keys to the side and walk more in between kids classes and appointments - this literally makes all the difference especially in a walkable city like London. It’s simple but insanely effective.

Workout routine

For me, I need regular workouts. This spring and summer I will be doing pilates reformer twice a week at Vita and also regular online PT sessions getting weights and some hit training in. This will look different for everyone but find the right routine for you!

Cellulite Slayer

It will come as no surprise that I indulge in regular sessions at the Cellulite Slayer - working manually, the key here is consistency. This is not some miracle one session thing - results can be seen when you get rid of excess water but for continual results its the combination of the treatment with all the above. Could not recommend enough!

Other treatments

Last year I tried EMSculpt NEO which you can read more about and see on my reel. Results are noticeable within 3 months - I again saw how this played a role in redefining my stomach post partum and also giving me that extra mental kick to eat clean, etc as it isn’t the cheapest treatment. It’s meant to just be a boost along the way.  

I recently asked Tetyana ('the’ Cellulite Slayer) about what she thought of machines since she regularly gets approached from businesses with new machinery like EMS, Endosphere, etc. She already has RF machines in her salon which in the past I have combined with a manual massage. 

She said machines are good but there is always going to be a new machine out there, just like with manual massage its about consistency and clients sometimes only want quick fixes and believe machines have the upper hand over manual. Her technique is definitely unique and I can honestly say I have seen results as I have with EMSculpt NEO. What I like about manual is the overall benefit it has to my immune system along with helping in the more superficial way as does the power of machines. 

At the end of the day fad diets and quick fixes are never going to be beneficial to your overall health and will not give you the sustained results. It is all to do with consistency and if you choose to try a new cellulite treatment then see it as a bonus to your overall wellness journey along with regular workouts and eating clean. 

I hope these tips and tricks help as you strive for feeling like your best and most confident self this summer!