The Glow Getter Tries: Anthrobotanica

The Glow Getter Tries: Anthrobotanica

One of my favourite quotes is that “Health is wealth” and so when I began my journey with Carolina Brooks of Anthrobotanica, I was optimistic but didn’t believe in supplements previously. I just thought that it was enough to eat well… so imagine my surprise at the complete transformation of taking about 20 tablets a day… and feeling incredibly amazing doing so! So how did I get here? Let me share my journey on truly achieving a new level of glowing health. For full disclosure, I paid for all services rendered myself without a discount. Truly just sharing an experience I’ve found incredibly valuable!

So what is Anthrobotanica? Anthrobotanica offers a unique blend of Naturopathy with a Functional Medicine approach. Carolina Brooks, the founder, conducts sessions from her clinic in London both in person and remotely for international and national patients. She also compounds and dispense herbal prescriptions from her onsite apothecary in Spitalfields. I initially reached out to Carolina postpartum late last year after having Valentina.

why i tried anthrobotanica

I breezed through my pregnancy with Valentina without even a cold, despite Jasmine at nursery and eventually starting school… I was juggling more than ever during my pregnancy and glowing right through it! Little did I know what was to come as I was hit with numerous health issues postpartum. In just week 2, the dreaded mastitis got me which meant the sudden wave of shivers, body aches, fever and general malaise. I quickly phoned up my doctor and got a dose of antibiotics. Sadly, that would be first of three bouts of mastitis with Valentina.

My downward spiral in health didn’t end there though. After finishing up my antibiotics I began to feel like I was burning up at night with a slight edge of nausea… something was definitely off. You probably guessed it… I had covid. My symptoms were mild but the mental health of having to be separated from my newborn, Jasmine and husband was very detrimental. I also had lingering health effects for months like heavy brain fog, weird dizzy spells in more. I knew then that I was in uncharted territory with my health and needed to do something I hadn’t done before. Enter: reaching out to my friend Carolina to get her expertise.

The consultation

Before my initial consultation I was scared and googling symptoms which resulted in me scaring myself even more. Luckily, Carolina knew instantly what was going on with me… a reactivation of EBV. Very common post-covid and also post-natal. EBV virus is a horrid virus that can cause havoc in the body, for reference it’s the culprit behind mono.

Carolina suggested I had full blood tests along with some other tests that your GP wouldn’t usually take. It was for EBC reactivation and thyroid antibody. I logged into Carolina’s service portal, looked through my notes and immediately implemented her insight, advice and recommendations. Full disclosure, the vials you see above are not required, I chose to do all those!

Along with insight into which tests I needed, Carolina also advised a daily supplement regime based on my health goals. I wanted to:

  1. Tackle the lingering post-covid symptons

  2. Help my body with the constant mastitis infections

  3. Feel like myself again

The results + progress

When Carolina received my blood test results she was bang on with the EBV reactivation and also provided an amazingly detailed report on the overall function of my body. A major takeaway was that my toxic exposure was rather high so certain tweaks in supplements were going to be needed when I finished breastfeeding.

I waited to write this blog post until I’ve been on the supplements and powder blend for a few months in order to give my best and most honest thoughts on this process. And I can say honestly I’ve felt the difference and my loved ones have noticed as well! The brain fog lifted and I started to feel more like myself, especially as I was coming out of the newborn stage with Valentina and getting more sleep!

This has really shifted my belief in supplements after seeing the difference Anthrobotanica’s service and insights have provided me. We set another consultation when I finished breastfeeding and discussed my progress + how I was now ready to include certain herbs/supplements that were a no go previously. I was so grateful for how customised the process was as she created some amazing bespoke herbal medicine in both powder and tincture form to support my breastfeeding journey. I knew the tincture I took at night helped keep mastitis at bay.

Today, I have my daily pill boxes that is colorfully organised plus my adaptogen powder to put into a smoothie. A strong kefir shot mixed in with my turmeric hot shot plus a strong bespoke tincture has me feeling better and more glowing both inside and out than ever. And that was ultimately the goal all along was to feel better and feel like myself so I can be the best parent, wife, etc that I can be.

Health is truly wealth and what we’ve all learned from the pandemic is how important our health truly is. Having the help and guidance by a qualified functional medicine practitioner has made all the difference for me and I cannot recommend Carolina enough. Anthrobotanica is a great place to start if you’re looking to take your health to the next level.

overview of how it works

Just so if you’re looking for something really short and sweet for what to expect when working with Anthrobotanica, see below for my quick overview. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Book a consultation here.

  2. Login to the portal to check out your report, daily supplements lists to order and potential blood tests to organise.

  3. Do they tests.

  4. Start taking the supplements.

  5. Book a follow up consultation to check on progress.

  6. Order any more supplements needed to tackle particular issues.

For me it is so important to have regular check-ins, I will also do my blood tests again to check on my progress. Carolina is a book of knowledge, straight to the point, knows her stuff and can set you on your way to reaching your health goals or tackling certain issues. I cannot wait to hear what you think and if you decide to try!

As always, message if you have any questions. I am going to try pin Carolina down for an Instagram Live to discuss my health journey with her in more detail and why I am taking the particular supplements. Will keep you posted and in the meantime, let me know what you think I should try next in this series. Facials? Massages? Hair? Nails? Let me know what you want to see next in the ‘Glow Getter Tries’ in the comments below.

XO Steph