New Year, New Skin Glowing Goals

New Year, New Skin Glowing Goals

After a Christmas of blissful indulgence, spending time sitting by the fire watching movies, and enjoying time with loved ones…the new year begins the time for an official reboot. As we set out our intentions for the new year it is time to set out our wellness goals…I say wellness goals rather than the title of the post as I always say our skins health comes down to seeing how you look after it, holistically, from the inside out.

Instead of dry January which for me being pregnant for 9 months and now breast feeding makes no sense, it will be GLOW up January giving my skin a fresh boost against the harshness of the winter environment! A sensitive skin type such as myself means winter is not my friend, however there are ways with suitable skin care and treatment to ensure it remains protected and revitalised.

So without further ado, let’s dig into my skincare goals for the new year and some helpful tips to set your own glowing skin-intentions for 2022!

My glowing skincare goals

  1. Reduce my hyperpigmentation that became exaggerated through pregnancy. Luckily this wasn’t as bad as when I was pregnant with Mouse but is something I definitely have to continue treating into 2022.

  2. Be consistent and add some more time for my evening skincare routine. The tiredness of a newborn has made me lazy at night, but I often talk on here about how consistency is key! Time to practice what I preach and be more diligent about taking care of my skin no matter how tired I am - I’ll thank myself later!

  3. Add some masking times during feeds. As a mother of two now, I have less time than I did before! A way I can practice self-care for my skin is multi-tasking when it comes to feeding times for little Valentina.

  4. Ensure I concentrate on other areas of my skin on my body. It’s easy to skip paying attention to the skin not on our face. For me, I want to focus on regular fully body exfoliation as it helps my skin retain moisture and softness year round.

  5. Feel good in the skin I am in with or without makeup! Confidence shines from within. I’ve posted my bare face on my grid and stories before but I’m looking to be even more transparent about my skin’s good and bad days and feel confident doing it!


  • Spend a morning going through your cabinet - assess what you are using. What are you missing from your routine? Is anything expired? What’s missing to help you achieve your healthiest, glowing skin? Taking the time to assess what we already have is a great step in knowing what you could improve on and also keep the same heading into the new year.

  • Book a skin consultation. It is so useful to go to a trusted aesthetician or dermatologist so they can see what your skin needs. I will go to Linnaean Living for the wonderful Florina for a bespoke facial to go through my skin needs and get her expert advice. Getting expertise helps with skin goals you can’t identify on your own and bonus: they can even recommend the exact products to help!

  • Start a regular at home facial session. Make it a regular thing at least once a week where you have a good double cleanse, put a mask on and unwind. It not only helps your skin’s health but your mental health to take a timeout and just relax! This is an easy resolution you can stick to that can cost very little with DIY at home masks.

  • Stimulate your skin’s blood circulation. Reboot your skin with facial massage techniques, such as using a rose quartz roller. If you’re super tech savvy check out Face Gym tools/membership or NuFace! Doing this can not only help with circulation but potentially alleviate other skin concerns as well without using any actual product but a skincare tool instead!

  • Explore a low inflammatory diet. If you haven’t already check out: Eat Burn Sleep by Yalda Alaoui. She has some amazing recipes and a reset plan for your nutrition. It’s important to note that it’s a lifestyle platform not a diet plan! I think we all fall for the trap of fad diets that you cannot maintain and end up leaving you depleted of essential vitamins and zero energy and in turn less vibrant skin. Our food shows in our skin when we’ve had excess sugar, are feeling anxious and more. A low inflammatory diet has done wonders for my skin and I hope for yours too!

Wishing you all a lovely start to your new year. While we can get bogged down with resolutions, I wanted to take the time to share my resolutions and tips when it comes to your skincare and wellness. With anything you do for your skin: consistency is the key so don’t over complicate your routine - set goals that you can achieve and stick too. You got this! Here’s to a great and glowing 2022.

XO Steph