Mum, BeautySteph Abri1 Comment

My Glowing Tips To Stay Motivated For The New Year

Mum, BeautySteph Abri1 Comment
My Glowing Tips To Stay Motivated For The New Year

It’s that time of year when you reassess and reevaluate before diving back into your routine post-holidays. You’re off your normal day to day schedule and hopefully had a holiday season indulging in late nights, sweet treats and time with family and friends. For me especially, I’m up late and my natural sleep rhythm is completely thrown off. Whatever the reason, the arrival of a new year is when we find ourselves especially motivated to kickstart a new routine. But what about staying motivated long past the first few days/weeks of 2023? See my glowing tips below for achieving your goals, resolutions, etc for the new year!

The days between Christmas and the New Year tend to be especially difficult for me motivation wise, with the girls my lazy sofa days are now confined to post-bedtime. So I’m staying up late and feeling especially sluggish the next day…and then repeat this cycle until it’s time for Jasmine to go back to school and our routine is back on track! This year I’ve been more determined to keep myself motivated to end the year and start the next one feeling more motivated than ever. Here are some tips I am finding useful to avoid feeling unmotivated - enjoy!

1. Audio books

If you’re like me, you cannot seem to find the time to actually sit down and read a book. Enter: Audio Books. They are the dream…any chance you jump into the car or have a spare minute while you child is preoccupied, you can tune in and jump right back into your book. I have been re-reading, or should I say listening, to Roxie Nafousi’s Manifest. It really helps for reflection and reassessment. The perfect time of year to try it if you haven’t read it yet or to re-read if you already have!

2. Start the day with warm lemon water/In bloom drops

There is something to say about “start as a means to go on”. If I start the day with something herbal/fresh and detoxifying, I continue healthy patterns throughout the day. If you don’t like the taste of lemon water, opt for your favourite flavour of In Bloom Drops, I personally recommend Kashan featuring Damask Rose and Cardamom. I also love how this simple way of starting my day makes me slow down and be more mindful of the day ahead!


There’s something so fun and special about picking out a new diary. I can alway be found with my Smythson diary throughout the year and love seeing the new layouts and colours they debut for the next one. This year I am especially drawn to their aquamarine colour! Overall, having a new diary is a great jumpstart, but having one that you use daily is the key to it being a game changer throughout the year. I like to feel pro-active even in December by adding dates/activities/etc I know are coming in 2023 to help me feel ready to tackle the new year!

4. Move your body however you can/are able

Getting to the gym or even a nice long walk in the fresh air, releases endorphins, relaxes your body and eases any anxiety in your head. The hardest part? Finding the motivation to get moving in the first place. Especially post-holiday season where I’ve eaten a little more of my favourites (aka chocolate) than usual, I find that instead of feeling guilty or being hard on myself, I give myself the grace of focusing on just moving my body. Sometimes it’s an intense workout, other times it’s a walk throughout Hyde Park, whatever that is for you, focus on getting moving and enjoying it for even just half an hour - you will feel a difference and the motivation to keep going will come easier.

5. try an END OF YEAR reflection exercise

Roxie Nafousi has created 9 questions to ask yourself - either by jotting down in your journal or discussing with a friend. I like to partake in this exercise by creating the right ambiance, whether that’s turning on your favourite candle - my ultimate candle for this time of year is the Ralph Lauren Bedford Candle or listening to some of your favourite tunes. I also love to turn on the fire and get cosy in my pyjamas or cashmere tracksuit set. It allows me to be comfortable and able to focus!

6. create your own Beauty Rituals

There had to be a beauty-focused point on here! Staying motivated is much easier when you have some semblance of a routine or something you reward yourself with after a long day/week. Whether that’s having an evening masking and watching a favourite movie or my current vice is a nice long soak in the bath while using the OUAI Scalp and Body Scrub (it will transport you to St Barth’s with it’s magnificent scent!)… find a ritual of your own that will help you unwind from the day before attempting to get your (hopefully) 8 hours of beauty rest (not my reality, but I hope for some of you it is)!

Have any tips you use to stay motivated not only in the New Year but in 2023? Let me know in the comments below or my DMs are always open to questions/thoughts. Sending love as we head into 2023!

xo Steph