A Glowing Giveaway: Newborn Essentials

A Glowing Giveaway: Newborn Essentials

It can be seriously overwhelming when it comes to making your baby list for the first time, many of us (ahem, like me) have gone overboard and bought things that in hindsight we never needed. Now that I’ve had my second child, and am over 6 months postpartum, I wanted to share the baby essentials down to a T.. and I’m sharing the love with a giveaway of a few of them at the end of this post!

1. Large Swaddles

*Giveaway item*

Aden + Anais have great swaddles to suit every taste and style whether you prefer bright patterns or a more monochrome look. After learning from a master swaddler, my maternity nurse who I used both times (send me a DM if you want more info), I got the swaddling game down this time. I swear by it for helping a newborn sleep well, comfortable and most importantly safe!

2. DockATot

DockATot deluxe docks had both girls sleeping so well in this cushion/mattress that fits into the cot. It is amazing to put on the sofa next to you when you have guests coming in the first weeks to swoon at the little cherub!

3. Solid Breast Pump

If you’re thinking about breastfeeding, then this is a must purchase and/or a great item to put on your baby list. I love Medela, the freestyler double electric breast pump (with a hands free bra that you can buy on Amazon). It is a total game changer! Trust me I would know, I exclusively pumped with Jasmine, plus spent at least 3.5 hours within a day of having Valentina attached to one. If it’s not possible to purchase, then rent from the Medela website in your home country, which in the UK can be as low as £47 per month!

4. Go-To Set of bottles

Breastfeeding or not it’s essential to have a good bottle set. For both girls I have loved the Mam Baby Bottles, they imitate the breast well so it was great for me, who combined bottle breast milk and direct on the breast. Dr. Brown also have amazing bottles especially if you have a colicky baby but boy do they have lots of parts…which leads me to my next essential…

5. steriliser

I have loved the Dr. Brown Deluxe Baby Bottle Steriliser with both of my babies. I got the updated version for Valentina, it is super big so be aware of that if you have limited counter space, but otherwise it fits bottles and breast pump parts and is just so easy to use!

6. White noise machine

*Giveaway item*

Any form of white noise machine is such an essential for a new born. I love it in the form of a little cuddle toy, I had shawn the sheep with Jasmine but this time got the Moonie Humming Bunny for Valentina, it is a great association with nap and bedtime which carries on through the first year. The sounds are super comforting and imitate the womb.

7. muslin cloths

When it comes to muslin cloths, you cannot have enough, they will be hanging off your shoulder for the first few months without fail. Find good quality, washable ones at your favourite baby shop.

8. baby bath seat

The Angelcare Bath Support is amazing. It is the perfect angle for newborns up to 7/8 months to enjoy bath time. I have had the same seat both times and love how hygienic and lightweight it is.

9. nappy organiser

*giveaway item*

Initially you will be going in and out of rooms and wanting to change nappies on beds, floors, etc. So it’s such an essential to find a super easy and good sized organiser to store wipes, nappies, creams and more! My personal pick is my much-loved Monaco Nappy Caddy Organiser from Whynter Springs

10. baby cot

This item is definitely super personal since it depends on the nursery set up and sleeping arrangements of your household. So I thought it would be good to mention a two brands to explore:

  • SNOO Smart Sleeper Baby Cot - This item a friend and I split since she was going to need it for her newborn once Valentina was 5 months old. It was the cot we had in our room, it was a great size, super sleek but I have to admit Valentina was not a fan of the movements. So that’s why it’s a personal preference because my friend’s little boy slept like a dream with it. Definitely worth checking out!!

  • Chicco Next 2 Me Cot - A great basic cot that gives the feeling of co-sleeping with the safety of the baby being in their own cot without duvets/pillows around them, but again everyone is different so just wanted to share it as an alternative!

11. baby bouncer

I really didn’t want to do an extensive list but I could not forget my Ergonomic Baby Bjorn Bouncer. This item was just great for me both times, starting from as early as 2 weeks old with both girls! I could put them down in a safe place and soothe them with gentle rocks. I love using this when I need to work so I can keep a close eye on them and have them in arm’s reach while still being able to focus. Highly recommend!

12. Help setting up

I was fortunate to have found Anita’s House - a lovely mama set-up a company that helps families prepare for new arrivals. Her company can arrange anything and everything, sourcing all the ‘must have’ items tailored to your lifestyle, including additional services such as fitting in the car seat for you, building the cot, placing all items into the nursery so that you are peacefully ready for the imminent birth!

Whew, I think I am done! There are more essentials I am missing from this list like your travel systems (prams, car seats, etc), all my bath essentials (baby towels, shampoo, etc), first week must-haves and more! This list makes up what I would consider to be my top 12 overall newborn essentials. Let me know in the comments below what other newborn/baby/kids product recs you want to see!

And finally, to finish it off, I thought it would be nice to do a little giveaway with some newborn essential items I have loved and so can one of my lucky followers who is a new mum/mum to be!

a glowing giveaway: newborn essentials (worth over £300!)

  1. Aden + Anais Swaddles (Set of 3) - £42

  2. Moonie Humming Bunny - £60

  3. Monaco Nappy Caddy Organiser - £64

  4. Cuddledry Bamboo Washcloths - £8

  5. Baby Mori Clever Zip Suite (4 pack) - £130 - This is the best sleepsuit PJ to ensure you can do a quick hassle-free nappy change in the dark, in the middle of the night, without waking the baby too much!

The competition rules can be found on my latest grid post, good luck!

XO Steph