The Glow Getter Tries: Minimal by Hadda

The Glow Getter Tries: Minimal by Hadda

It’s been a minute since I’ve been on the blog, with balancing life as a now mum of two! Although I haven’t been as active, I have been planning out summer content, which includes some new treatments, products and brands to try. I’ve found indulging in a little self-care when I can has been really great to uplift me postpartum. During the winter break I was discussing with a friend my conscious glow ethos and my planned treatments to get my glow back after the winter months. My skin was not at its finest with the season’s harsh environmental factors and the hormonal rollercoaster that the postpartum time brings. She mentioned to me an amazing facialist…Minimal by Hadda.

I immediately followed her on Instagram and after a week or two of watching her videos and seeing her facial massage techniques, I was already in a trance of relaxation and was sold on booking an appointment. You can find her at various high-end spas throughout London (a testament to her quality of work and impeccable reputation). She currently has availability a few days of the week at KXU Medi-Spa on Pavilion Road and she is going to be adding Wednesdays at Omniya Clinic in Knightsbridge for more advanced treatments. To book, visit her website and fill out your info here.

What makes Minimal by Hadda unique? It’s all in the name. For Hadda, her ethos is about going back to the basics. She takes a holistic approach to not just skincare but treatments. She believes nothing should be over complicated… something you know I’ve long said on this blog! It is consistency that is the key to glowing, healthy skin.

Hadda creates a bespoke treatment to you and your skin’s needs. For me, I felt drained from mastitis, tired from broken sleep and really just wanted to feel sculpted and uplifted. Words cannot accurately describe how amazing I felt after my facial…You know the feeling when you have a full body massage and you feel like you’re floating? Well that is how I felt from the shoulders up, the balance between lymphatic massage on the neck and manual massage techniques on the face to sculpt I felt so much more lighter and GLOWY. She delivered on all that I asked for and more, my face felt more sculpted, uplifted and glowing than ever.  

It is natural to be results driven when it comes to choosing treatments with those few sacred hours you have for yourself whether that be from work, home life or just an overall busy schedule. But for me results don’t come overnight, it comes from looking at our skincare with a 360 degree view just like it does with how we feel with our body…. It is that balance of good skincare, regular bespoke treatments and an overall healthy lifestyle. I highly recommend adding Minimal by Hadda to your routine to continually see amazing (and even better) results plus to get skin recommendations and tips from an expert!

I hope you enjoyed my review of Minimal by Hadda’s facial. Do let me know if you have any questions about this new treatment and also any treatments you have tried recently and I shouldn’t miss out on… I’m all ears! Send me a DM, comment below or email me at More to come on the blog soon!

XO steph