The Glow Down: IG Live Recap with Dr. Maryam Zamani

The Glow Down: IG Live Recap with Dr. Maryam Zamani

REAL BEAUTY TALK with expert Dr. Maryam Zamani - Founder of MZ Skin & Podcast, Oculoplastic Surgeon, Wife & Mother of 2

When you first hear Dr. Maryam’s credentials, your first thought might be: is she Wonder Woman? She is afterall, a great force of beauty knowledge and as an ocuoplastic surgeon, advanced facial aesthetics doctor, creator of MZ skin and a mum of two - she’s an icon of how we can have it all. Our 40 minutes IG LIVE was informative, interesting and a joy to be part of!

After reaching out to Dr. Maryam over Instagram she kindly accepted to come on IG Live with me and have a REAL BEAUTY talk discussing her own regime, skincare line, delving into the confusion surrounding common beauty terminology such as ‘clean’ and ‘conscious’ and much more. A beauty from inside and out I really enjoyed speaking with her and realising we have so much in common! I think its down to how we have the same star sign - we are both cancerian! And the similarities don’t stop there:

- We both experience the same skin issues: hyperpigmentation and dryness

- Always down for a good cardio workout

- Constantly craving sweets

- Only have 5 minutes for our beauty regime

- Believers of ‘less is more’ 

And most importantly…conscious beauty advocates!

When discussing her inspiration behind her skincare brand: MZ Skin, it was clear she has a no-fuss, no-nonsense view on skincare and believes that for all ages our skincare should:

REVEAL - through deep cleansing, fresh looking skin, being cautious not to strip off the skin barrier

ENHANCE - through active ingredients like Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin A

PROTECTING - through SPF and of course, utilizing the perfect eye cream.

From her knowledge, I don’t think anyone could be as highly qualified to prescribe what are the best creams/ingredients we can use around our eyes. And no wonder she created two different eye creams as at the end of the day you have to know the cause of the issues surrounding the eyes and then treat accordingly. I didn’t want that incredible info she shared to expire on my Instagram so I’ve watched the whole thing over again and written the key takeaways here!

WHY EYE CREAMS? Dr. Maryam explains:

Eye creams are formulated to have a quicker absorption because skin is thin, and very few if any oil glands in the area so that area needs an extra TLC. This small but delicate area of the skin is one of the first places people comment negatively about themselves as it is often one of the first signs of aging. The best thing you can do is to protect and enhance that area as long as you can by keeping the eye area at its best with products like a well-sourced eye cream.


Well first let’s identify the problem. If you seek to…

DEPUFF AND DEFINE - Puffy eyes are usually from a lapse of fat in the eyelid. There are 3 fat pads that thin through genetics and as we age. Surgery is an option to treat this and other methods that aim to drain and detoxify.

SOOTH AND SMOOTHE - Eye creams can smooth fine lines wrinkles and dark circles by increasing the thickness of the skin by 10% if used for a month consistently and reduce 57% of dark circles. Dark circles can be caused by a myriad of things: allergies/sinuses/smoking/congestion. A good ingredient to look for is bark extract.

LOCK HYDRATION - You want to address your PEPTIDES SERAMIDS which promotes collagen production. Hydrated skin shows less visible lines and dark circles because eye creams will help thicken the skin so you won’t see the tortuosity of the blood vessels underneath.

Although Dr. Maryam specialises in advanced facial aesthetics I love her view on particular treatments such as botox and fillers. We shouldn’t see them as something to change the way we look but just to help and with great skincare we should protect and enhance our youth for as long we can. It is about aging gracefully!

Now let’s talk CLEAN

As a conscious beauty advocate, my every day vocabulary includes ‘clean’, ‘green’, ‘organic’ and ‘conscious’. Knowing the ethos behind her brand, I wanted to inquire from a medial a medical perspective the misconceptions surrounding ‘clean’ beauty.

Dr. Maryam echoed some of my previous sentiments on this blog about the importance of education because the beauty industry lacks particular regulations, making it difficult to know who is truly clean and who is not. She believes in the power of nature and not using potential nasties and sourcing clean ingredients.

For me as a Glow Getter with a heavy emphasis on CONSCIOUS - I first came across MZ Skin as pictured above at Linnaean Living. I love finding new brands and products to try there as I know everything under their roof aligns with my ethos and my understanding of ‘conscious’ beauty. After seeing MZ Skin there I did more research and tried some products and now after speaking to Dr Maryam and understanding further her view on beauty, anti-ageing and paying particular importance to protect our skin I can say with confidence that MZ SKIN is a conscious beauty brand through and through.

I hope you enjoyed the talk with Dr. Maryam Zamani, a true beauty expert, who sees beauty holistically and understands the importance of balance in all aspects and how we should take care of our skin efficiently and with as less fuss as possible through: REVEAL, ENHANCE & PROTECT. 

XO Steph