The Glow Down: IG Live Recap with Dr. Bibi Ghalaie

The Glow Down: IG Live Recap with Dr. Bibi Ghalaie

Ever wondered what Wonder Woman looks like in real life? Let me introduce you to Dr. Bibi Ghalaie… if you don’t find her saving lives while working in A&E for the NHS (which she does at least 6 days a week) she will be creating bespoke treatments for her clients at her aesthetics clinic. She does. it. all! I had the pleasure of doing in IG live with her to talk all about skincare, from maskne to layering skincare, let’s dig in!

WHAT IS MASKNE? Dr. Bibi explains:

It is an exasperation of skin problems, anything from dermatitis, to acne, to blemishes, pigmentation that is essentially caused by wearing face mask. In the era of COVID 19 we are all having to wear one, resulting in new skin problems/breakouts aroud the nose, mouth, lips and more.

HOW CAN WE PREVENT IT? Dr. Bibi shares her tips:

1. Minimize your makeup - One of the most important things is to not wear makeup underneath the mask especially if you will be wearing it for several hours. The only thing you are going to achieve is irritating your skin! Bonus: No better time to perfect your eye makeup!

2. Wash your face - Making sure you skin is clean prior to putting on your mask will help prevent potential bacteria, debris and other blockages on your skin. You should repeat this step before and after you wear your mask.

3. Wash your mask - Re-useable masks should be washed every 24 hrs and can be left out in the sun to dry to kill any lingering bacteria.

4. Invest in a skin-friendly mask - You’ve seen the studies and recommendations about the benefits of sleeping on a silk pillow so it should be no surprise that a silk mask is among the most skin-friendly masks out there. The key to protect your health and your skin is to ensure the mask has 2-3 layers.


There isn’t one product that can give you everything you skin needs, which is why we all have come up with our own skincare routines. However, we could be using products in ways that make them more intense or less effective than intended. That’s why I was thrilled to get Dr. Bibi’s perspective on the order you should apply your products!

Everyone has a different opinion and sometimes it’s a matter of tweaking things to see what works best for you personally.

I recommend layering based on this simple concept - Apply products from thinest to thickest, so it could look like the following….

  1. Cleanser, Exfoliator & Toner - these products will PREP SKIN for all the subsequent products so they can exert their effects (clogged pores and debris will prevent products from working!)

  2. Vitamin C Serum - straight after toner if you’re not using you can skip this step and move on to no. 3.

  3. Eye Cream

  4. Wait 5 minutes! Let everything be absorbed.  

  5. Finally apply your Moisturiser/SPF

So what about oils?

Oils are not going to hydrate your ski because they act as a seal, they lock in moisturiser but don’t inject it. That’s why you don’t want them on top because it will prevent products like your moisturiser and SPF being aborbed into your skin and will instead just sit on top of it.

What about spot treatments?

Apply products directly on to the spots, individually or on the area if you have a break out, after the toner… before any serums, as it will be going directly on to it. 

When to apply masks and night creams? 

After everything else!


ZO Skin Health



What these brands all have in common is that they are medically grade skincare! I’m excited to dive deeper into these brands and scoop up from amazing products, stay tuned for any potential reviews on the blog!

What is your best kept beauty secret? Dr. Bibi explains:

Vitamin D - Its very important to maximise it. You should be optimising it to boost your immunity & your skin (perfect during a pandemic). DLUX Vit D Spray, is my go to! 


I absolutely loved talking with Dr. Bibi, she is so in line with my skincare values…. Keeping it simple and consistent. She is one super GLOW GETTER. As a Doctor and an Aesthetic’s doctor she is the perfect expert for tips, tricks and products to help anyone’s skin.

Lets keep our skin glowing during MASK wearing and take note of Dr. Bibi’s tip on SKINCARE LAYERING next time you open up your beauty cabinet and have no idea what to use first….glow get it, ladies!

XO Steph