The Glow Down on the Indie Beauty Expo

The Glow Down on the Indie Beauty Expo

I’d like to preface this post by saying that if you are picturing me aimlessly looking at wonderful products at the Indie Beauty Expo, you are sadly mistaken. More like rushing to the beauty expo when you have 2 hours before your next meeting (on the other side of London, of course) and then to pick up mouse from nursery…so it was more like a drive-by visit than a nice casual stroll at this wonderful event. So there I was in a rushing around in a nice outfit - hoping to create some great content for TCGG with my amazing friends and work associates from Madness Consulting (side note: check them out for all things branding… they have a literal magic wand) and what happens? Naturally, an extreme amounts of rainfall and one umbrella trying to find the exhibition through the streets of brick lane. We were all soaked upon our arrival. Pardon the ‘just survived a rain storm’ look I’m debuting!

Myself and the Madness Consulting ladies! x

Myself and the Madness Consulting ladies! x

So we’re wet and cold upon arrival but one look up the stairs lit by the neon IBE LONDON signage we knew we were going into a little slice of products galore! There was more to it than that though, we were seeing start up’s such as ourselves, new companies, new ideas with new visions and not dominated by the giant beauty conglomerates and working for the recognition they deserve. I love being able to meet the creators and small teams behind incredible products, and I like to support them as much as possible. So after going to as many booths as we could and talking to as many people as time allowed for 30ish minutes (literally we were sprinting to the car after!), so here products that I saw for the first time at the expo and have personally tried over the past month:


Virtue Labs - the haircare brand known for its revolutionary Alpha Keratin (protein) ethically sourced from human hair. Not only do all their products smell divine, but they also give your hair a new life, especially when you have hair that has been damaged from years of highlighting (Guilty!). For damaged dry hair here is the lifesaver…

Restorative Treatment Mask: For damaged, dry hair, this is a literal lifesaver. Absolutely worth every penny.

Split End Serum: Anyone else hate having a ‘trim’ because you’re scared that they will have to chop off at least a few inches of your hair that you have painstakingly grown out? Well here is a product that will solve that nightmare. I recommend 2 pumps right out of the shower pre-detangler for best results.

Exertier - A 100% natural beauty brand sourcing ingredients from the French Alps. Nature is truly amazing, the ingredients found on the mountains are the key to help your skin in the harsh winters to which the mountainous regions are susceptible too. I personally believe nature knows best, so I was thrilled to talk to team members from this brand and even try two of their star products!

 Mon Duo - French Glow Set - This eye serum and face cream set is perfect to get a taste of this incredible brand’s products. Their new product line focuses on their “French glow” movement all about deeply hydrated skin and naturally radiant, perfect for what we are all looking for in these winter months. 

There were some great brands exhibiting which I did not get chance to fully explore, sadly. What I want my readers to know is the products I discuss have been tried and tested by myself. There is only one me, I can only try a certain amount of product and those are the products I can truly say are in line with TCGG and I highly recommend you try for yourself. The review they get come from my heart, the only place you can truly GLOW from. I always want to transparent, ethical and stand 100% behind my review (good or bad) of a product or brand. I sincerely thank each and every one of you who has shared support and kind words on this endeavor as I hope my journey and thoughts help others who are busy but want to take steps towards a more conscious beauty routine, closet and more!

GLOWING conclusion

I had an amazing time, even if short, and then the fact I couldn’t find where I had parked the car leading to a 30-minute delay to my meeting…some days just surviving them in one piece is a win, right?  I look forward to exploring again next year. The expo holds other dates in America, if only I could hop on a flight! If you’re going, please send over any recommendations of your own!

This expo is a great place to see the new trends and the innovative products that represent a small share of the beauty market which is only going to grow and grow when we as consumers are looking for more transparency and consciously curated products. If you see this wonderful event in your area, do not hesitate to grab a ticket!

Any new products or brands on your radar I should try? Drop me a note at or comment below!

XO Steph