Beauty, JournalSteph Abri

Glowing Skin is Always In

Beauty, JournalSteph Abri
Glowing Skin is Always In

"Invest in your skin. It’s going to represent you for a long time.”

This quote really resonates with me, it is the basis of my beliefs for how we should invest in ourselves, which includes our skin. It is so easy for us to take the health of our skin for granted, to accidentally not take off our makeup at night because we were too tired, or to forget to put on daily SPF. However, as the years pass life takes its toll on our largest organ, the first line of defence against dehydration and bacterial invasion. Besides just wanting our skin to be healthy and happy, how our skin feels and looks affects our self-confidence. That’s why I believe we should focus on glowing from the inside and out.

When I chose to start this blog and share my conscious beauty journey, it was the cherry on top of the cake to ensuring the health of my skin. I had already followed a few rules that have worked for ensuring my glow, and now using natural and organic products has further reinforced a healthy glow.

1. Never (ever, ever, ever) sleep with your makeup on your face. And if you do (#guilty), make sure to double cleanse and use a calming toner if any inflammation has occurred. I am so guilty of this rule myself, but please learn from my mistakes!

2. I know this sounds crazy and not do able for everyone but my mother taught this one: Don’t use normal tap water too often. Sounds crazy, I know, but let me explain. My mum was taught back in the 60’s that cream cleansers were better for your skin than foaming cleansers that need water to wash it off. The water isn’t clean enough directly from the tap…. I use Micellar water and thermal water sprays.

3. Eat a healthy well balanced diet. This is an easy, no skincare or makeup products required step. We’ve all heard it before, but I cannot emphasize it enough!

4. SPF is not a seasonal product, it is important to use even during the coldest of winter months. The sun is sometimes stronger on a cloudy day than a sunnier one (who knew?).

5. Take some time out and invest in a facial experience one in a while. Consider it an investment in yourself, as not only does it benefit your skin but bonus: it’s a chance for you to wind down. I consider my facial sessions as a chance to rest and relax, not my normal MO as a mummy of a toddler!

These are just a few of the beauty rules I live by maintain glowing skin. What beauty rules do you live by? Let me know in the comments below.

XO Steph