Glowing at Linnaean with PUREARTH

Glowing at Linnaean with PUREARTH

It was one of those ‘mummy on the GLOW’ sort of mornings that began with a mad dash to drop off Mouse at nursery before venturing ‘south’ of the river for a morning of masking with PUREARTH. The event was at Linnaean, an opulent spa and wellness centre home to amazing food, great therapists, amazing hairstylists and an array of consciously curated skincare brands all beautifully displayed…aka my heaven. I was their celebrate the launch of PUREARTH products in their stores with the founder coming to speak about the skincare line and lead us through DIY masking with 7 key ingredients to her brand’s mission: bringing us a closer connection to earth evoking harmony between mind, body and soul. 

PUREARTH skincare formulations are rooted in ancient Ayurvedic wisdom. The ingredients are mostly gathered at soaring altitudes of the Himalayas and in doing so supporting women self-help groups while fostering conscious skincare creation AND overall is a company with great ethics… now that’s a brand I can get behind. We are really talking about RAW and NATURAL beauty with a desire to rejuvenate simplicity and developing skincare that enables a closer connection to earth this brand is definitely on my glow-dar.

The breakfast spread was beautiful, in front of us was a pink bowl and wooden spoon… I asked, where is the cereal? This time it wasn’t for food but to create skin food! I had my beauty cutlery ready to have some fun led by the founder of the brand, Kavita Khosa. What an inspiring woman, it’s truly amazing when you see the passion someone has to make their ideas a reality, she lives and breathes her brand, a true advocate of conscious consumption. See below for the fabulous DIY mask she showed us.

THE AYURVEDIC MASQUE MASTERCLASS - The Main Ingredients for a Winter Clay mask to assist with restoring moisture and transforming the skin:  

Marjushkha - A red coloured powder that ancient tribes have been applying on their skin for centuries to help transform the complexion. It’s a key ingredient to help even out sunspots and pigmentation.  It’s one of the most edible ingredients and is wonderful for inner wellness.

Moringa - The moringa leaf will in fact purify your water - full of amino acids, 70% protein (4 x protein of eggs) a great source of collagen.

Turmeric - A magnificent herb with an extensive list of benefits, to name but a few - Anti-inflammatory properties, Antibacterial, fungal and microbial.

Neam - A sacred healing tree in Ayurveda used in ancient medicine.

Liquorice Root - Considered the natural sunscreen as it Inhibits pigmentation of the skin and helps to lighten the skin.

Honey - A great natural complexion boost as it is extremely moisturising and soothing.

Milk - It could be non-dairy too - rich in Vitamin B, alpha hydroxy acids and other potent antioxidants; it is great to nourish skin cells from within. 

Rose Water - Where do I start with this ingredient, the natural beauty elixir… Check my previous blog post on it and stay tuned to see it in In Bloom Drops!

This mask was incredibly fun to make as well as being incredibly wonderful to my skin. It even inspired me to look more into making masks at home. You might be asking yourself the same thing - how to create your own mask? Yes, you can do it, but be prepared to hold yourself back from having too much fun it’s like baking as a child except instead of making cookies or cake, it’s to make an incredible mask using botanical ingredients ready to get that GLOW. Highly recommend and of many events I’ve attended, this hands-on approach really stood out to me.

I haven’t had the chance to try their skincare line yet, but they are definitely next on my GLOW get it list. What I can tell you from this experience is that PUREARTH’s ethos are closely aligned with my own, making me thrilled to try their products soon. You’ll notice a slew of new photographs on my Instagram feed lately and they were all taken at Linnaean, a beautiful must-see visit for all beauty lovers. Stay tuned for a post about their treatments because there are SO many to try (and I aspire to try them all…). Do let me know what you’d like to see me try next whether it’s a place, product or brand, I’m here to be a guinea pig and soundboard for YOU. Drop me a note in the comments below or at Until next time!

XO Steph
